Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our Honeymoon in Villa Gessel

There are some people who are amazing at updating blogs, I am not! However, something really cool happened last week that I wanted to share. Angel and I finally had our Honeymoon. We went to Villa Gessel, it is a town on the Atlantic Coast in Argentina. It is winter here, so there wasn't that many people. It was peaceful and really fun. We went sandboarding, went to plays, climbed 300 steps to the top of a lighthouse, walked along the beach, and well other things..... We had fun, except on Thursday we had some bad pizza and got food poisoning - not fun on a honeymoon! Well, until later!


KS said...

How much fun! It sounds like things are going good! And whole don't worry about the blogger thing... I love to look at others and sometimes neglect my own. It is fun to see what you are up though!

Kate & Omar Spilsbury said...

I am so glad that you all are loving your time together. What a perfect couple! I knew you would hook it up when we were mission companions. Can you I tell you how you both made my day when you called me to say Happy Birthday -who does that? Who does that from Argentina. Too wonderful. One day my hubby and I are going to come visit you both. You are totally welcome to come visit us - Florida is beautiful! Te quiero!

Civil Marriage 08-13-08

Sealing at The Buenos Aires Temple 08-13-08

The Reception 08-13-08