Sunday, April 26, 2009

You married someone you met on your mission??!!

I got the inspiration to write this post while reading another post. In this post this person explained how they met their future husband on their mission. She feels that she was called to that area for many reasons and he was one of them. I couldn't agree more. Many of you know that Angel and I met on our missions also. I believe we were meant to be too. I love him very much and something many of you don't know was that I was hesitant on marrying him. The reason is because I am a people pleaser - still working on that. I knew when I got home from my mission and Angel and I started talking again that I really was in love with him and wanted our relationship to last forever. However, in the back of my mind I thought of what people might think if I married someone from my mission. I prayed and prayed and Heavenly Father helped me to see that I don't need to worry about what other people think - and obviously I married him :-). Every once in a while, when I tell people how we met I get the comment in the title of this post. I cringe and feel a little embarrassed, but I love my husband. I know we were meant to be together, I felt it when I prayed and feel it now. What I think is cool about Angel and I is that we have that common bond of our mission. We can both say our mission was the best mission in the world and we are both right (go mighty TSAM). We can remember places and people and not have to explain the situation to death. We keep that missionary spirit alive within us because of where we met. So for everyone out there - Don't go on a mission to meet your husband/wife- but if you do, it can be a wonderful blessing!


Melissa said...

Really you get that comment a lot? Go figure! :) I know how you feel, after I tell people that Kyle and I met on our missions I was end it with, "Now don't go thinking it's scandalous or something. I actually hated him when we first met." (Which is true by the way!) Surprisingly there are a ton of people I've met that met their husbands while they were serving missions too. One comment that one of the ladies told me about it was, "If only people knew how unromantic being a missionary is they would realize it isn't scandalous." I like that.

Melissa said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to answer your question from your comment on my blog. We are still living in Logan, UT. We absolutely LOVE the Cache Valley, and would love to be able to live here forever. What about you guys? Are you in Argentina or the States?

T and Jackie Isom said...

I was really scared about what other people thought, too. I think when you're on the mission, you get so caught up in the mission itself; it's difficult to see the eternal perspective of things. In the end, who cares that you met your husband on the mission? What really matters it that you two have a healthy, loving, and eternal family.

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